

The Unexpected

Sometimes the expected, simply pales in comparison to the unexpected. You gotta wonder why we cling to our expectations. Because the expected is just what keeps us steady, standing, still. The expected is just the beginning. The unexpected is what changes our lives.

Emily Dickinson rules

Good morning, Midnight!
I'm coming home,
Day got tired of me -
How could I of him?

Sunshine was a sweet place,
I liked to stay -
But Morn didn't want me - now -
So good night, Day!

I can look, can't I?
When the east is red?
The hills have a way, then,
That puts the heart abroad.

You are not so fair, Midnight -
I chose Day,
But please take a little Girl
He turned away!

Burning the midnight oil with New Yorker

شب‌هنگام که در خیابان راه می‌روم و نگاهم به گوشۀ اتاقی پشت پرده‌اش می‌افتد یا کسی که روی مبل نشسته و کانال‌های تلویزیون را عوض می‌کند، همواره برایم شگفتی‌آور است اشتیاقی که برای خانه‌هایی احساس می‌کنم که هرگز به درونشان دعوت نخواهم شد یا دقیق‌تر، اشتیاقی که برای زند‌گی‌هایی احساس می‌کنم که نخواهم زیست.

Utterly Confused

Even with years of historical research, the more humans tried to define themselves, the more they drowned in their own confusion.


You have suffered enough,

And warred with yourself,

It's time that you won.